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Monday 9 September 2013

PeopleSoft Grants WorkCenter

The PeopleSoft Grants is an application that support and automate the research and government grants functionalities. With the new release of PeopleSoft 9.2 and PeopleTools 8.53, PeopleSoft has succeeded in improving the usability and productivity of the grants users. One of the major improvements toward the same is the PeopleSoft Grants WorkCenter.

The Grants WorkCenter is the single stop working place for the research administrator or the principle investigator. The Grants WorkCenter with an interactive dashboard showing the various research budgets, amounts and the amounts that are pending to be billed with the agency has direct option to take necessary action from the dashboard itself. It comes with various exceptions the research administrator needs to be aware of including the billing or revenue related action items which will be a crucial action item for a research administration. The WorkCenter incorporates various queries and reports about the grants or award process and shortcuts to almost all the major components in the Grants application making it really a single stop navigation to be working with.

PeopleSoft has released a video feature overview on the Grants WorkCenter, showcasing the power of the new feature. View the video to get a feel of the new feature.

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