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Wednesday 29 May 2013

Creating Runcontrol Pages in PeopleSoft

This post is mainly focused for those who are new to PeopleSoft and creating a process and related components for the first time.

When working at client side you will frequently have requirements to create new process/reports for the customized processing or reporting. I will just give a brief overview of the steps required to achieve this feature.

Step 1: You need to design and develop the report or process using any of the supported technologies like Application Engine, SQR, Cobol, Crystal etc…

Step 2: As per the requirement of the process, you need to create a runcontrol record including all the fields (parameters) that needs to be passed to the process and other common fields like runcontrolid and oprid.

Step 3: Add the editable fields to a new page (runcontrol page) and associate necessary logics using PeopleCode.

Step 4: Add the subpage PRCSRUNCNTL_SBP to the top of the page. Give the subpage record as the runcontrol record created. This step is very critical as the run button, metadata and code to schedule the process lies under this sub page. If you plan to have your own run buttons, then you need to manually write the code to save the runcontrol and schedule the process.

Step 5: Add the page to a new component (runcontrol component), component to a menu and register the component.

Step 6: Go to Tools > Security > Permissions & Roles > Permission Lists and open the desired permission list. Give access to the newly created component.

Step 7: Go To People Tools > Process Scheduler > Processes and define your newly created process here. In the process definition options tab define your runcontrol component under component grid and give the desired permission list under Process Groups grid.

Step 8: The most critical step. Login to the portal and navigate to the newly created content reference and test the processJ.

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