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Friday 3 May 2013

Creating Related Content Services

Related content services needs to be created to act as a feeder for adding related contents in Components or Pivot grids. In the previous post I have explained how to create a related content with content reference objects. What if you want to add a component which is not registered or a PS query or an iScript or an external URL as a related content to the base component? In that case first you need to create a related content service. This post explains how to create related content service for such scenarios.

Navigate To: People Tools > Portal > Related Content Service > Define Related Content Service

Go to Add mode and create a new entry. On the landing page give the service name and select the URL Type. You have different URL Types.

1.       Application Class
2.       Embedded Pagelet
3.       Non-PeopleSoft URL
4.       OBIEE Pagelet
5.       PeopleSoft Query
6.       PeopleSoft Script
7.       PeopleSoft Component
If you select Application Class, the content link will be executing the class you define in the page. If you select Pagelet options you need to define the node and pagelet name. This content will then point to the pagelet selected. If the option selected is non-peoplesoft URL, you can directly give the URL link. For reaching to a PS Query, select query option and enter the node and query names. Similarly for scripts and components select the option and pass the parameters. One thing to note here is that the component need not be registered to bring up in the related content.

Once you have defined the Service, you can enter service url parameters. This will be especially helpful in case of external url’s, queries with prompts, components, iScripts which expect parameters. Make sure that there is no spelling mistakes while defining the parameters.

Now you have two options to be chosen, refresh and new window. If you tick any, then the corresponding link will be visible on the related content frame.

To give security to the service defined you have 3 options available.

Once you save the service, it is ready to be used. Now add this service to the components as mentioned in the previous post. Or you can add it to Pivot Grids to be displayed as an action on the pivot.

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