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Monday 13 May 2013

Creating Related Actions in PeopleSoft – 8.53

Related actions are another breed from the related content family. But this will be more transaction specific. Related actions allow users to execute a code or open content in modal or new windows from a transaction page. In transactions you can mark a field as related action field. So when you click on the field will show a popup menu from where you can do the desired action.

Related action will be extremely helpful when used with a grid. Each row of grid contains different set of data and your related actions will be context sensitive and you can run an action specific for the selected row with much ease.

I will give a glimpse on how to configure related actions to a transaction page. It will be easy for you to follow if you have gone through the previous posts on Related Contents and Related Content Definitions. This is a continuation of the previous posts.
Go to: People Tools > Portal > Related Content Service > Manage Related Content Service

Now you create a Related Content for an application page (refer previous page) or open an existing configuration.

Now half of your job is done. All you need to do is go to “Configure Related Actions” page and add related content services (refer previous post to see how to create related content service) or related contents. Here comes the trick, you need to assign related actions to a field on a page. For that you need to select a page first. To select the field, click on “Configure Parameters” button on the grid. In the modal window, you can select the page field which should appear as a related content field.

You have other parameters to fill in the page which are pretty much same as the related content configurations. The key values to pass or map and the application class to hide or unhide the action.

To make the related actions popup menu to be ordered or grouped, you can go to the third page on the configurations – “Configure Layout”.

Try it out in your test\demo database and enjoy the simplicity and power of this feature.

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