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Tuesday 16 April 2013

Top 10 Innovations in PeopleSoft 9.2 – 10 PeopleSoft Search and Related Actions

The bigger release PeopleSoft 9.2 is out in the market. Let me walk you through the biggest innovations in PeopleSoft 9.2.

#10 Navigations with PeopleSoft Search and Related Actions

PeopleSoft has integrated with SES search and did a revolutionary framework in case of navigations and searches. With the power of SES you could search your enterprise application just like you do googling. The SES is enabled at several levels namely component, transaction and globally. With global search you can search for any data in any module from the home screen and navigate to the corresponding transaction with a single click.

Related actions are the next set of innovations which help you to navigate smoothly. When you open a transaction, the PeopleSoft intelligently brings up a dropdown menu from where you can take actions or navigate to other related transactions with single click.

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