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Saturday 2 March 2013

Maintaining Trees

Often there are chances that your tree goes out of sync with the physical objects as the tree ages. This can happen due to deletion of a record from the application designer but not updating the same in the query tree. Also bad sql’s on Meta tables can also the tree in a bad shape.

If you are to find and repair these errors in the tree manually, then it is going to be a nightmare for the maintenance team.

Although not used by many, Peoplesoft has delivered a page solely for the purpose of repairing the trees. This page has variety options to repair various kinds of damages to the tree. You need to select the option and run the process so that the tree is repaired in the background.

The navigation to this page is : Tree Manager > Tree Utilities > Repair Tree

The various options to repair the tree includes

1.       Tree Audits – Run audit on selected tree.

2.       Correct Level Numbers – Corrects the nodes level number if it is wrong.

3.       Correct Parent node numbers – Corrects the node numbers of parent nodes.

4.       Delete Orphan Tree Objects – Deletes orphan objects from the tree.

5.       Remove Tree Branches – To remove all branches from a tree.

6.       Remove tree reservations – Removes reservations on a tree so that other actions can be performed on it.

7.       Reset Tree node gap – Evenly re-distributes tree node and their node numbers.

               8. Update Tree Table Statistics – Whenever a large dml changes are happened on the tree, run this utility to impro

1 comment:

  1. I had to call up the Centurion tree cutters to remove a tree which was weekend by a huge storm, so that it could help preventing some serious accident.


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